Tuesday, August 24, 2004


not exactly feeling good today. i have a real problem and there's nothing i can do to solve it. feel like kicking myself up against the wall.

maybe many of you reading this right now should think that my problem isn't that big a deal and God will deliver me through. i do believe God will deliver me through. just that i can't see the changes yet. call me impatient, but i really do hope He'll pull me up from this. it's probably His grace that i'm clutching onto nowadays. going through the system everyday, the helplessness always overwhelms me.

i can't do a damn thing about it. only He can. if people don't wake up and realise the grave they're digging is literally swallowing them in including those around them, that's just a pathetic excuse. i'll be outta this soon, but right now i need to be angry to feel justified. don't bother putting yourself in my shoes coz i know all of you out there have sizable problems which will make mine look like crap compared to yours.

so don't compare. i didn't tell you to.
i really can't care less.

if you bother, please pray for me. if not, just treat this as a bad post you've read. sorry.

life is purgatory here. don't bother telling me that it'll be ok. you're not God.


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