Sunday, August 22, 2004


many things make us stand out apart from the world. our appearance and style, our dress sense and verbal knowledge, our talents and our persona. each of this defines a difference visible enough to tell one from the other. we're constantly living our schedules, having finished one only to engage into another. the social system never ends.

whether we're just another one inside the pack wandering about aimlessly, heading off to a misleaded direction without purpose, or we're one of the natural leaders moving ahead and expecting everyone to carry your trend and follow you. the world's about the background and the foreground. you're either it or not. everyone plays a part in making things happen.

a show can't run on its own with just the actors and without the crew folks.
a symphony can't perform with just the conductor and without the band.
a party with the quests and not the host.

the above may not be a good analogy, but to me i see what matters. if both don't compliment each other chances are the whole deal's gonna bust. its not an issue of who leads or who follows, but rather who is willing to assume responsibility and who is willing to submit. we can do so much more if we obey and believe.

don't be limited by your limits.
borders is what our eyes see.
beyond is what God make our eyes see.


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