Thursday, August 05, 2004


something's wrong with the blogspot website. i've logged into my account and it brings me back to the homepage. happened quite a few times. requested for a password change and they send me a mail which brings me back to the original page where i first started. right.

but now somehow, just somehow, i've login to my account and i'm back! to typing away endlessly, telling you folks stuff which i simply have no idea about, ranting about senseless logic about who i have a bone against, or just a plain complaint i need to get a shove off my shoulder. do i entertain you?

i could just drone anyone reading this about how my day snails through, but that could be the most enduring thing anyone could ever read, as it basically doesn't change. so i won't. i'm just glad to know that national day's coming, my country's a year older and none of it is my business. i just live here.

not that i'm not patriotic or anything, a holiday only holds a meaning and purpose only if it really does mean a heck to you. the significance of national day means more of the day off for me to rest rather than put on a show and say i'm enthusiastic about loving my country on this specific day just because everyone else in singapore is doing so.

when you love something or someone and if you only express it on a specific day, i say that's bull. when you love something or someone, you do it everyday. with love. without reason.

happy early national day. stereotype me.


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