Saturday, August 07, 2004


just got back from my guard duty yest. couldn't really sleep coz i'm not a vampire-wannabe lolz. church's starting in a few hours. i'm physically drained, mentally dull and my reflexes are slipping.

time's slipping away like water moving down a stream. everything is moving at a pace i can't appreciate. suddenly, things happen. people change. some discreetly, some with a big hoo and a ha. people keep telling me to move with the flow, to take things as they already are as i can't change them the way it is. there's alot of things to be seen, but there's also alot of things i'd rather not know.

sure i know i can't. it's the way things are defaulted out to be. but i know someone who can. He makes anthills out of what we see our problems and issues as mountains. He makes what's impossible to man possible again.
He's in a league outta me, but am i ever so glad i'm on His side.

the supernatural.
the miracle-worker.
the way.
the truth.
the life.
the one.

Jesus Christ.

"knowledge of wisdom saves one's life from himself and makes us wiser."
"knowledge of gossip creates the intention of knowing not to help, but to kill and destroy the person verbally."


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