Thursday, October 07, 2004

net's up.

hey folks.
net's up.
finally. excited in a silent way i guess. it's been exactly a month since i've been living without the net. wondered how it'll be for you people if you were the ones undergoing the same ordeal as i do. probably you guys would handle it in a better fashion.

to mich and jason: i'm back! really glad lolz. just that my expressions can't really express my joy inside. no really. i'm not kidding you two. i'm really happy, but my sanity's an issue too. any outburst of verbal or physical act of estatic exuberance and i'll be getting all my purpose wrong. net's not God. God is.

will be doing more entries in due time hopefully. i'd like to recount for what i've been missing over the past month here, but there's just too much to start. need to recollect my thoughts abit.

i'm just glad.
tidings to all.


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