Wednesday, December 08, 2004


since my net's down again, i think putting down my entries down in a notepad would suffice till the time i can actually upload them to my blog when the connection's resumed. starhub sucks.
nobody likes nothing for a response. it's like communicating to a wall. whenever we say something or make an enquiry, an answer in return is what we should expect. basic courtesy for anyone who understands what the other party is talking about. those who don't are probably just dumb or have attitudes that matches their aloofness which is just about as empty as their brain.

i love responses. even if it comes on as something negative. the least i know you're bothered enough to hear me. loved those people who always say,

"i'm not listening to what you're saying!"

"can you repeat what you just said? i can't hear you."

contradicting folks. just cracks me up.

today He gave me a response. that allows me to spend a few days in camp to seek Him, to come before Him and give thanks for this year, how it's been and all. Lord i thank You for Your response to me. thank You.

she responded to me today too. i know she's doing fine. i missed her too.

we need to hear more than we speak.
only then will we answer more appropriately.
its no wonder we have two ears and one mouth.


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