Thursday, November 25, 2004


i must write tonight. or not i wondered when will my next entry in here be.

i'm leaving for thailand tomorrow. the past two weeks have certainly taken its toll on me. so many things happening around me, i just thank Him that its simply amazing that He has still sustained and preserved my sanity. nothing right's going on, and apparently it seems like everything that i do is in a total wrong.

so i probably thought, "what else can happen?" literally everything.

these two weeks have brought my body and mind down, but certainly not my soul and spirit. there's an adrenaline rush within me that issues a challenge to whats-his-name. Jesus is very, very much in me and His sovereignity is something that you can't handle anyday.

you better start taking your anti-phobia pills.
of what?
of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

rush. Jesus came like the wind.
along with your sorry ass.
i'm sorry i said that.
no, wait.
i am not.

goodbye Singapore.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

abnormality is sweet.

this one's sweet.
depraved? yes, possibly.
the tendency now for every norm is that a sick thing is sweet.

I adopted a cute lil' poison fetusfrom Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

regards to all.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

to the devil.

my wallet got stolen.
my heart's really weighed down now.
everything official and valuble is in there.
my cell commitment.
my worldly possessions
that wallet is a gift from her.
whom i love.
yet i've lost it.
the tangible memories i've had inside.

i'm still going for the mission trip.
this attack from you is not gonna put me down for the count.
because greater is Jesus that's in me than you.
i'm gonna hit you with the backlash of your life.
if you ever had one.
count on it.

Thursday, November 18, 2004



the initiative to pursue,
the momentum to chase.
the heart to follow,
the catalyst of praise.

the reason defined,
the borders not stated.
so long as it's for Jesus,
efforts will be appreciated.

i participate not to outrun you.
but to hold your hand.
and run with you.

not to perceive myself a champion,
but to finish what You called me for.

let my passion show myself to You.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


a band was invited over today. their genre and style was more based towards punk and alternative but they were awesome. credits to their maker.

the retreat yesterday was a casual affair. everything's spontaneous, and i'm sure the whole bunch of us affirmed that it was indeed good and fine. the night was much of a crazier time, but people getting butted into a stack of mattresses and getting whooped silly. realised that when people are in a casual mood that's when they'll be at their most transparent self. it's a good thing for us to voice out and resolve before we take it to our individual groups.

God's awesome. period.
He lifted His beloved up for them to reach out and back to Him.
awesome. awestruck.

i'm here Lord.
i've touched heaven.
i've touched heaven.

Friday, November 12, 2004

wake up.

thank God for this long weekend that He has granted me. allows me time to finish up my necessary preparations before i proceed to thailand. it's amazing as to thus far that He has lead me in this fashion, allowing me to play a tiny role in His massive and awesome plan.

i've been thinking about myself recently. about the things i do. if they're actually worthy for me to be spending my time and energy on. i'm not a person who can define my destined objectives very clearly and sometimes, its tends to make me lose focus and direction.

wondered if all phlegmatics view life from this perspective. i admit i really am. sometimes i couldn't really care less to what's insignificant to me but i offer attention to the things that's less critical. i think even if the sky were to fall like right now, it'll take me awhile to figure out what's happening and what should be the best course of action i should take.

sometimes this attitude of mine will kill me.
help me wake up.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

remember me.

remember me.

i pass by.

you see me.
through the raindrops by the window.
among the constant obscurity of the moving crowd.

i fade away.
like a passe symphony.
like a monochrome silhouette.
like man's superficial fashion.
like a nostalgic tirade.

i hide away.
like an outdated album.
like the extinction today of yesterday's existence.

hammer away my blugeoned anguish.
forgive my broken faith.
remember me.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

the tale.

spirit within man.
full of drive,
full of life.

direction defined.
moving, he goes on.

path along the way.
dragging him down.
broken spirit.
shattered soul.

the cry.
the desperate grasp.
for the forlorn.
up towards the sky.

the hand.
faithful assurance.
everlasting comfort.
abundant joy.
held tight.
never let go.
never let go.

love of God.
man undefined.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

worth the while.

november already.

time whittles by when we don't keep track. we're our own keepers of our time, how we live it by and how we use it is entirely our choice. must admit i can't keep in check of my time very well. the only instances i find time appreciating is when i'm using it for good record, like accomplishing something silly to make myself feel great. i'm a natural at wasting time.

age is the only thing that catches up with me pretty fast. i'm an adult already and decisions i make daily often integrates and determines how my mood will be defined into everyday. sure. i do make hasty decisions and bad choices now and then, which sums up into a perfect waste of my energy trying to finish something meaningless in the end. but my point isn't this. not yet.

time is what God has fairly allocated to us to make full use of those twenty-four hours daily. we're not bound under time if we manipulate in our favor, but we become bound to it when we can't control the incessant things we do that doesn't produce useful results.

make God proud.
make time count for you.
do something worth your while today.