Sunday, May 08, 2005


did cafe duty today. was stumped by the fact that when jireh came under pressure, we added more pressure by adding more pressure unto the already tense atmosphere in the cafe.

but we survived.
we did good.

everyone's nerves is tested and frayed today, but i know we're onto something when we actually work together, its in these times that true emotions and moods show. no one puts on a front and plays a deceiving smile, assuming everything is ok when double orders are made, condiments on the counter are in a mess, everyone's shouting without knowing what they're shouting about and it rambles on. till the chaos looks like an organized mess which everyone agrees that to a certain extent, we really can't do any worse.

what a day God.
but You carried us through the procedure.
and i love you guys anyway.
jireh is awesome.


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