Tuesday, September 07, 2004

thank you.

there you are.
in front of me.
beside me.
behind me.

your refreshing spirit.
your little gestures.
your warmth and sincerity.

there you are.
always holding onto what matters.
making me move on.
lighting up when it's dark.
taught me joy unknown.

your unexpected concern.
your out of the blue packages.
speaks more than just a late night's coming.
means more than mere words can ever be.

there you are.
my back to you.
your back to me.
God's reason to me.
there you are.
not separated but bound.
thank you.

Saturday, September 04, 2004


i'm finishing my course soon. then i'll be going to a unit. depending on their policy, i could either be staying-in or out. of course i'd much preferred the former. but if God has plans for me in there, then so be it. i'm finishing my liability soon anyway.

everything ends in a way or another.

the day.
even life.

so why worry? things that are temporal here which don't end don't have a purpose of existence at all. pretty meaningless if you ask me. what will you do when this life of yours end? i believe the end of this life is the beginning to another. eternity with my Jesus. He never ends.

things which holds more worth is not in the things that fallible, but in the unfailing.
everything is nothing without meaning.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

happy birthday.

today's my sis birthday. yadda yadda. to me, she's remembered as someone wise and always give good advice. (though i don't really pay heed to all of 'em always.)

she has an attitude which i really admire tho. full of spunk and there's always new surprises about her. tho at times we really get to it at each others throats in the house often, sibling disputes is always essential for us to hit out and understand the opposite's views after we've sifted it down.

she's never tired. really is an interesting person. i thank God for who she is and that she'll remain this way. with all her pluses and her flaws. with what she is defaulted to be. God made her simply amazing.

i'm impressed by the way you are.
you never change, and that's the strength about you.
you never falter even when you're challenged under it.
you never give in.

happy birthday dearest jie.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


i am not perfect.
i don't try to be.
i don't deny my faults.
i can't hide my flaws.

i subject myself to submission in You.
i bring myself at Your throne.
that all the days when i breathe,
keep me away from the vile intoxication of this world.

encase me in where solace is in You.
that as i disassociate myself here,
make me an affiliate towards You.
that always in You will i thrive,
where you make me my identity.

sweet Jesus You never ever, let me go.