Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Him and us.

choices are decided the moment you begin to weigh the options.
since we're called to be a blessing,
what can we make to make others around us better blessed today than they were yesterday?

Him sending.
we sharing.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


You made nature indescribable.
night envelopes the day to create the atmosphere You envisioned.
that ambience which is certainly most inviting.
the sky be your canvas and we're all part of the picture You're painting.

day and night.
earth and sky.
and everything that You contained us in.

You're exceeding amazing.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


you see me the way no one can.
and made what surrounded me beautiful.

that the sea complemented the mountains.
that made holding hands a sight that warms hearts.
that gave kids their inquisitive mind.
that mother birds would feed their young.

it's only You.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

national day.

for the fact that we are still here today.
for the freedom that You gave.
for the lives of all here.
for the wise leaders.
for what You gave them that allows us to do what we can for You.

happy birthday.
God bless our nation.

Friday, August 04, 2006

the cell.

we really should do something about what we're being told.
the urgency of us wanting to see our loved ones get saved and come to know of Christ really lies in how much initiative we have,
how willing are we to communicate,
how desperate are we to wrest for their souls,
how much we appreciate the fact that His death on the cross redeemed all of eternal damnation.

so how much do we love Him?
and how much do we love them?